SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza

What is it?

SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza is a fundraising event where you can donate money to Palestinian help funds in exchange for fan works centered around Link Click!

When is it happening?

Contributor sign-upsApril 6th to 21st
DonationsApril 22nd to May 5th
Contributors postingApril 22nd to May 19th

How does it work?

The event will take place in three phases:- Contributors sign up:
(April 6th to 21st)
That is when artists and writers sign up as volunteers.
You will be able to state your preferences so we know what prompts will best suit you.
- Donation phase:
(April 22nd to May 5th)
This is the most crucial part!
Donators will be able to send their prompts via a Google form.
You will need to show a proof of donation, such as a screenshot or a receipt. You will also be able to send multiple prompts at once if you want!
The prompts will then be assigned randomly to contributors.
Note: contributors can also be donators.
- Fan works posting:
(April 22nd to May 19th)
The contributors will send their completed fanworks within a two weeks timeframe. We are already looking forward to see all the beautiful works that will be created!

How much does it cost?

SFW prompts: 4$
NSFW prompts: 8$

Where do the donations go?

We are currently considering donations to the following causes:
- Care for Gaza
- Palestine Children's Relied Fund
- Go Fund Me's
- eSims
The accepted causes might be subject to change according to the evolution of the situation in Gaza.Note that you will be sending money directly to these funds, our moderation will only ask for a proof of donation.

Useful links:


Who is allowed to participate?

Everyone! Regardless of your age, experience or follower count, everyone is more than welcome to create something for this event.

How will the prompts be assigned?

When you sign up, you will answer a series of questions about your preferences, such as the ships and characters you are ready to write/draw for, your icks, whether you're accepting NSFW etc. We will try as best as we can to match the prompts we receive with your profile.
Note that if you are under 18, you will only be given SFW prompts.

How polished should my work be?

You are not expected to submit a fully rendered art or a multi-chaptered fic! So you don't burn yourself out, please only consider creating sketches and short drabbles. Of course, if you prefer to submit a polished work, you are free to do that, but it isn't the expectation.

I received my prompt and created my contribution... now what?

Once you have received your prompt, you will have two weeks to publish your work.If you have Twitter (where the event will be held), you can post it from your own account and tag the donator for your prompt, as well as the event account (@SGDLRaction). If you are not on Twitter or wish to remain anonymous, we will post it for you.

Can I receive more than one prompt?

If the fundraiser is successful enough, you may receive more than one prompt!
Note that you do not have to accept addional prompts if you have too much on your plate, and your prompt can be reassigned to another contributor.

Can I say no to a prompt I don't like?

Of course!

I want to be a donator. What kind of prompts can I submit?

Your prompts should be simple and not overly Cheng Xiaoshi is trying a new noodles recipe, but he is missing one special ingredient.
Angel/demon au where demon LG looks after angel CXS with a broken wing.
trio cuddle pile! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
NSFW and angst are welcome, however, please avoid disturbing topics that could be filed under 'dead dove'.
Donators under 18 can only submit SFW prompts.

What causes should I donate for and how do I do that?

We have decided to give you different options as there are multiple ways to help the people in Gaza.Care for Gaza is a non-profit charity in aid of helping the needy families of Palestine. It has a track record of successfully delivering food and other necessities to displaced families.PCRF: The Palestine Children's Relief Fund is a non-profit organization addressing the medical and humanitarian crisis facing children in the Middle East.eSims For Gaza: due to the black-out since the beginning of the genocide, internet access is crucial for people inside Gaza to communicate with each other and the outside world.
You can find a walk through to explain the purchase and donation process step-by-step here.
Tip: we have adjusted the minimum donation fee to 4$ as it is currently the cheapest plan you can purchase from Simly.
Sponsored Go Fund Me's to directly help Palestinian families:
Help Alghazzawi Family Escape Gaza
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